Bespoke Green Screen for Sydney Opera HouseMay 1, 2023And that's a wrap! Finishing touches to the SOH bespoke retractable Green Screen build. SimpleMotion designed, manufactured, installed and integrated the green screen into the theatre media room. #greenscreen #studios #instudioshoot #greenscreen #specialfx #soh #sydney #engineering #theatreengineering #stageautomation #theareautomation #manufacturing #australianmade
And that's a wrap! Finishing touches to the SOH bespoke retractable Green Screen build. SimpleMotion designed, manufactured, installed and integrated the green screen into the theatre media room. #greenscreen #studios #instudioshoot #greenscreen #specialfx #soh #sydney #engineering #theatreengineering #stageautomation #theareautomation #manufacturing #australianmade